The face behind the Sweets...
Born and raised in Toronto, Canada by an all Italian family, I am proud be an Italo-Canadese (Italian-Canadian). My love and passion for food and sweets was soaked into me since the day I was born. Growing up Italian, your whole being is centred around food and such marvelous food it is! Traditions carried through generations, brought back from the motherland, are what cover my family's table during special holidays or events. Christmas, Easter and birthdays give way to such breathtaking aromas and tastes that could make a heart skip a beat. Our meals are what unite us, brining us all to the table to cherish the food thats been cooked and filled with love and the soul of its maker. Laughter, toasts, gossip, debates and stories of long ago ring in the air as we savour the food our ancestors carried forward - the very food that helps to shape and define our culture, and continue to bring the Italian family together. It's no joke when it comes to food and never play with your food while at the table or your nonna might smack your hand LOL.
My affair for food is reflected in its flavour and is always made with great love. My soul can be felt in the food and things I bake. My vision is to create visually pleasing pieces of edible art that are actually flavourful, delectable and scrumptious to even the most poised palates.
As Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake."
A special thank you to my wonderful family and friends for their patience and support.
Much love & stay Sweet,
Lisa muahhh xoxo ;-)